3D model export
15569 86
PolakPL2002 3 years ago
Hi, it would be great to be able to export a 3D model from "3D View". It would help a lot while preparing an enclosure for the project.
gerdmuller.de 3 years ago
This would be a great and very useful feature for me, too. I looked for that to import a board into an CAD program.
Albert Filice 3 years ago
I too would like this feature
MikeDB 3 years ago
Definitely a good idea.  Anything that Blender can import would be fine.
UserSupport 3 years ago
It is under developing
speedv15 3 years ago
Cant wait! Would love to drop into Fusion 360
wfpaez 3 years ago
This would be absolutely useful.  I currently export the SVG of my PCBs, bring them in to 123D, re-size them and 3D print them to be able to design cases for the PCBs before they get to me.  But, if I could get a .STL file, or some other compatible 3D file from EasyEDA, that would be a huge help.
mtiutiu 3 years ago
Yep, definitely the most useful feature each **EDA** **software** **should** **have**. Waiting for this one too. Thanks and keep up the good work.
fleckingerre 2 years ago
Well I wouldn't say it's the most useful a EDA tool can do, but I would definitely love to have that too. I guess STEP or IGES are formats all 3D-CAD packages can handle.
gerdmuller.de 2 years ago
@UserSupport: Hi, any progress here? Thank you, regards.
Sylvain Centelles 2 years ago
Same for me, would be very very helpful!
Fernando Zigunov 2 years ago
Please please please implement this!!
Simon Hoeck 2 years ago
also a feature I am waiting for
lappe 2 years ago
Would really love this too...
raubenheimer.jason 2 years ago
This would be so useful!!
stewart amolvin 2 years ago
Still waiting  for the 3D file export !
Yes, waiting for it. @UserSupport any progress?
UserSupport 2 years ago
@stewart.amolvin @developerfromjokela [https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/Forecast-3D-model-preview-is-coming-soon-1252beab4a034c96afa6538df8e0e8ef](https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/Forecast-3D-model-preview-is-coming-soon-1252beab4a034c96afa6538df8e0e8ef)
Dracul91 1 year ago
If you are using SolidWorks, one thing you can do is get the PCB files as images, then convert them to sketches in SW using the autotrace sketch picture option, then scale them and center them with the sketch tools and then just extrude them to copper thickness, and some arbitrary soldermask and silkscreen thickness values. Haven't tried this myself but it should be a breeze considering the image files will be just black and white images with sharp clean edges. I'm not sure if other CAD softwares have a similar autorace/autosketch function but my guess is they should
joesbox 1 year ago
Even just the option to allow embedding of the 3D model would be really useful at the moment
fujtech 1 year ago
YES! please add this feature
limajsamuel 1 year ago
YES! please add this feature
Ayush Pahwa 1 year ago
Any updates?
Simon Peham 1 year ago
YES! please add this feature
Daniel Auer 1 year ago
really needed for a useful workflow in product design. PLEEEEEASE ADD THIS FEATURE
wichcha 1 year ago
YES. I need too.
nomad76 1 year ago
PolakPL2002 1 year ago
@UserSupport How is development going? It's over a year now since creation of this thread.
UserSupport 1 year ago
@PolakPL2002 we stop develpment the 3d export to develop the new PCB engine.
saumil bhandari 1 year ago
@UserSupport which new PCB engine ?
ResistanceRoom 1 year ago
@saumil.bhandari I assume they mean this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18YjKaRYPL0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18YjKaRYPL0)
Ghenna2000 1 year ago
it would be fantastic if he continued to develop 3D Export in spite of everything, because this lack "knocks down" the beauty and completeness of this PCB CAD, since it is simple and intuitive to use, but with this limit it makes it difficult to create enclosures for PCBs. please keep developing it, it is very important
I have a crappy partial solution for this. If you are in chrome: \- with 3D model closed \- open dev tools \(F12\) \- go over Network panel     - clear if any data \- open the 3D View on EeasyEDA PCB design \- a lot of hex coded request gonna show up \(like image bellow\) ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/er40lFH9dCoEwV9xzw7ptP7La9xfBjtPSbe2gnrW.png) \- just save each as `.obj` One problem with this, is i still don't know how to retrieve those files without going this process. The other problem is that it's just the 3D models, no data about the number of components and positioning. You can assemble them manually in any cad software. If anyone can come up with improvement, or ideas for making this more useful. I also made this mini shell script to help downloading, just copy and paste the names in the network tab in the `objects.txt`. ``` file="./objects.txt" while IFS= read -r line do   echo -n "Downloading $line.obj..."   wget -q -O "$line.obj" "https://easyeda.com/analyzer/api/3dmodel/$line"   echo "Done" done
UserSupport 1 year ago
@saumil.bhandari demo https://lceda.cn/newpcb
Fergo 1 year ago
@caio.herter I've managed to download the 3D model by using RenderDoc (a powerful 3d graphics debug tool for D3D/OGL which also has the ability to dump whatever is being rendered on your screen into a proper 3d file format)
jbiddy 1 year ago
@Fergo did you capture from the desktop app or the web version? Can you provide any details on the steps. I'm trying to use RenderDoc with the desktop app now, and EasyEDA launches, then hangs - but I have no idea how to use RenderDoc - so I'm sure it's me ;)
afefer 1 year ago
Another major +1 for this feature, would be incredibly useful for those of us building enclosures. @Fergo can you provide some details on how to use RenderDoc to extract the 3D model?
C.vanderHoorn 1 year ago
Crazy that you stopped developing this :(
Maker- 1 year ago
Very sad that you stopped developing this, it would be an excellent tool for every one..!
dillon 1 year ago
@Maker- @C.vanderHoorn  We are sure we will provide this feature . Now the whole team is foucs on the next big Pro version. We can set a schedule . At end of this year, we will provide 3D STL/STP files export. The next big news, we will provide 3D print service too in the next 6 months. Maybe when you order LCSC components or JLC PCB, we will ship the 3D models  with your order.
JLCPCBsupport 1 year ago
@dillon Thank you for sharing the news, the 3D print idea is stunning. Keep up the good work :)
Chris Cullin 1 year ago
+1.  This is so needed that I am starting to move acoss to Eagle.  Means redoing schematic and PCB layout - but it is needed to simplify enclosure design.  no dount I will miss the easyeda and integration with LCSC assembly.
dillon 1 year ago
@chris_0887 We can set a schedule . At end of this year, we will provide 3D STL/STP files export. The next big news, we will provide 3D print service too in the next 6 months. Maybe when you order LCSC components or JLC PCB, we will ship the 3D models  with your order.
Chris Cullin 1 year ago
@Dillon - that is great news.  Looking at all the requests for this feature Im sure everyone would be very interested in anything you can share on the timline.  Im happy to help test if you need beta customers.
Chris Cullin 1 year ago
@Dillion - any update on this feature?
Aivan 1 year ago
I wouldn't mind paying for this feature, so I can import my PCB to a CAD software
Kenai 1 year ago
Im in also for this feature, its is so needed for enclosure design
Ghenna2000 1 year ago
``` Hi, I wanted to know, like many others here, where is this development for 3D export. It goes without saying that this lack is a serious disadvantage of this CAD, so, as a personal advice, I suggest giving it precedence over other types of intervention. The lack of this possibility of export forces us to have to carry out extremely tedious and cumbersome procedures in order to obtain a completely mediocre model. Thanks for the attention ```
vindar 1 year ago
Hi, I just want to add my voice to the others. This is a must have feature ! Right now, I am moving my current project over to kicad just for that....
warloofer 1 year ago
I also join this request. I'm moving to Fusion360 to have electronic design and mechanical design better implemented. 3D exportation will keep me using EasyEDA for PCB and then exporting it to a 3D software to check the assembly.
This should definitely be implemented. All this effort for implementing the 3d view is for nothing if you cant download the model and use it in a CAD software. At least for now just add a button to download the .obj file.
gdrazd 1 year ago
@Fergo Hey Fergo, could you please explain how exactly have you managed to do this?
Ermin Podrug 1 year ago
I would also like to back this feature request!
Chris Cullin 1 year ago
@Dillion - any update on this?
Vishal Thakkar 1 year ago
when this feature release please provide some information regarding this update
prestigeJ 1 year ago
one of the easiest ways to represent a model is screen capture the 2D design and map it as a decal to an extrusion in your CAD package (i've been using solidworks) with the same dimensions, do this for both topside and bottom side and you have an easily modeled PCB! :)
Dardanboy 1 year ago
@prestigeJ That's a smart way to do it. Thank you ! I tried to export svg/dxf and import it on Fusion 360, but this needs so much CPU computing that it simply freezes for long time. Waiting for the 3d model export, it would help a lot !
afefer 1 year ago
+1 for this feature request, this would be enormously valuable! Having access to the 3D model is probably one of the most important features for making EasyEDA usable in any mechanical design workflow.
Ermin Podrug 1 year ago
@dillon any updates on this, the end of the year is near?
Radu G. 1 year ago
also very interested in this,will make enclosure design much easier, i mad many faulty enclosure during years,only because this feature is not available :( End of year is very close,but still no news.
devtag 1 year ago
Also very interested!
This feature is still missing?
Joris van E 1 year ago
@caio.herter Thanks! EasyEDA really needs to implement an export to CAD/DWG/DXF. For 3d modeling within other objects
niniack 1 year ago
Wow I really thought this feature would be out by now...
meganom 1 year ago
I tried the new option to export the board to a 3D object file. Creo program failed to open this file. It's a shame.
rohithkathuroju 1 year ago
The new option to export the board to a 3D object file is not working.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@meganom, @rohithkathuroju, Please post this as a new Bug Report.
UserSupport 1 year ago
@meganom use Freecad, win10 3D viewer
UserSupport 1 year ago
@rohithkathuroju send us your PCB file to [email protected]
Graphyt 1 year ago
@meganom Hi, I just can't find that new option. Where is it? :) Thanks!
rohithkathuroju 1 year ago
@UserSupport OK
meganom 1 year ago
New Option export to 3D model:   File>Export>3D Model (obj)
meganom 1 year ago
@Graphyt  Hi. New Option export to 3D model:   File>Export>3D Model (obj)
andyjery1976 1 year ago
@UserSupport, Hi, I used the new function to export the 3D model as OBJ file format. and then download the Freecad to import the OBJ file. but I used "measure distance" function to confirm the dimension. Then I found the dimension seems 4 times larger than the PCB design I created. any Advise?? Thanks
UserSupport 1 year ago
@andyjery1976 please scale the model size at FreeCAD, OBJ file doesn't have the unit parameter, I can't find the tutorials for this function, if you find out how to scale please let me know. The exported unit is 0.01 inch. If your scene size is in mm, the model will need to be scaled by 0.254 times.
Andrey Korsakov 1 year ago
@UserSupport New feature works perfectly for me. Thank you very much!
Radu G. 10 months ago
@andyjery1976 hello, you managed to work with obj file and prepare some enclosures?
yellowatt 10 months ago
@dillon This is a really great news. I can't wait for it to be available. Thanks
Wesley Mays 10 months ago
I see someone suggested this before me. It works well enough for case design, except for a few issues shown here: ![TechProblems_01.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/hXjKH6wuAEBlATt8FOaIyNnWqAsG4LzF18IbFg8z.png) There's also 2 issues not shown: 1). The board seems much thicker than it should be, and 2). Sometimes the top edge of the board makes an X shape, as if 2 rows of vertices were swapped around by the export function, though it didn't happen in this example.
casale.candoit 8 months ago
@UserSupport when exporting a 3d of an easy PCB I get the following. As you can see, the board is not created correctly. I tried from app and from web with the same result. I tried activating al layers, but I always get the same result. How can I export this for the case design? Furthermore, when I export the 3D obj model in another board with more complexity I get an error I try to open it with all the tools I found. Any solution? ![Captura de pantalla 2021-05-11 a las 9.47.57.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/bpBTNsq5SoNtkk5QrUgVM6jzf4P03YxHr6btaSpo.png)
Alejandro Pérez 8 months ago
.OBJ file is really not that useful for 3D modelling anything from it. A simple PCB will have to many triangles for programs like Fusion360 to convert them to BREP models and start doing anything with it. What a shame! STEP file format is the way to go!
Ferit Ozan Akgul 4 months ago
Hello, any word on STEP/IGES file export? -I exported obj -Fusion360 opens obj as a mesh with ~30x the original size -Model needs to be corrected > mesh is not closed, mesh is not oriented, mesh does not have a positive volume -Applied wrap repair -Reduced triangle size 170K --> 16K -Exported STEP --> when step file is opened, board sizes are all messed up. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Ferit Ozan Akgul 4 months ago
-Missed a step: Converted mesh to solid after reduction
Valentin E. Blanco 4 months ago
+1 for this feature, I really need it, export to eagle would be nice or cad file.
yellowatt 4 months ago
I have to agree that .obj export is not really helping as there are too many triangles not always closed and import time in CAD tools takes too long. Step file format is preferable in this case for mechanical CAD import.
davidhbrown 3 months ago
Wrong board thickness (seems to be 0.1" / 2.54mm instead of what's specified in 3D preview) is really a problem. I can make the OBJ work well enough to check fit of parts otherwise, though it takes several minutes to manually move the mesh back to center. (I have a 22mm square board with its outline starting at -11mm/-11mm and in FreeCAD I have to position it at -1021mm/938mm to get back to center.)
UserSupport 2 weeks ago
@casale.candoit @davidhbrown @yellowatt @valeebp.blanco @foakgul @valeebp.blanco export step will be implemented at Pro edition [https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/Forecast-EasyEDA-Pro-Edition-Features-Forecast-f73865b84da84b739a0c0e5bd9e641d7](https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/Forecast-EasyEDA-Pro-Edition-Features-Forecast-f73865b84da84b739a0c0e5bd9e641d7)
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